November 26, 2011

ABC's of Thanks

Thanksgiving day is over and my internet is back. I hope we can still continue this thankful mood though. 
It was so fun having a friend and her two kids over for our feast and she even left a little thankful leaf on our thankful tree. 
The tree will be up for a while. As long as we want to continue decorating it. We're going to make mini ornaments for Christmas to hang on it. 
Hope everyone had a good holiday! I'm getting ready for my kids birthday party coming up and Christmas of course.  

Short and sweet for now. I missed my blog! I downloaded a blog reader for my phone so I could keep up with everyone ;)
Have a great weekend. 

{warn out Thanksgiving day}

Finding Joy | The ABC's of Thanks
A - apple pie
B - bananas
C- Christ
D - doors
E - emery vincent santoyo
F - my Family and fudge
G - God
H - nanas House
I - igloo's. yep. cuz i cant think of anything else
J - Jesus
K - krispy treats
L - love
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
M - momma
N - netflix
O - oregon
P - pancakes. lately. not always though
Q - the quadruplets that im not having. (my aunt is pretending i am for some reason. and now others are joining in on the fun on my FB and congratulating my pretend pregnancy. i shoulda known id have this coming after having two kids a year a part. at this rate i should have been pregnant already and ready to pop)
R - raising my TWO kids at home. im so glad i dont work and they get to be with me. i've been too grumpy with them lately. i think cuz were stuck at home with no car and we need to get out!
S - subway
T - tomorrow
U - riahs Ukalali. she loves music
V - vicks
W - washing machine!
X - Xmen
Y - yesterday
Z - raZZa riah lol ;)

1 comment:

angie on maui said...

Oh, I *love* the idea of a thankful tree...and even having guests leave thoughts of gratitude on the tree as well! I wish I'd known about this sooner because I would have loved to have this up for the month of November. Definitely next year. :)

I hope you and your sweet family are enjoying the weekend!
