January 26, 2012

2 years ago

I thought I would share some oldies but goodies here. My first born Azariah. In her first moments, when she was still so tiny. These are two of my favorite photos ever. 
I miss wrapping her up in her little blanket. Now she does it herself. 
I miss making her bottles. She can drink from a big girl cup these days. 
I miss her being confined to her crib (sad but true haha) now she runs around everywhere even when not supposed to. 
I love my little munchkin. She's grown and changed so much. I'm so blessed to have these photos to keep a picture with my memories. 
{Daddy and Riah}

{Momma and Riah only a couple hours old or less}


Shell said...

so sweet!

Grace Between Sunsets said...

I love these photos, and every mother can relate to your heartfelt words. It is so bittersweet to watch our littles grow and change right before our eyes. She was a beautiful baby!!!

Tonya said...

It is amazing how fast the little babes grow and change!! She looks tiny, just like my first born.