May 31, 2011

Tuesdays Treasure

Emery's giggle. There's just something about a chubby 5 month old little boy laughing.

Every new word that comes from Azariahs mouth. Seeing how her mind works...  amazing!

Dr Pepper

The tiny little dimple on Emery's chin.

The roof over my head. Though I wish it were in another town..  I'm truly blessed.

Laundry day at Grandmas.

Mondos laugh.

Nap time. The kind where both kids are asleep at the same time.

Being warm.

Patience. (Aaron Greene Groves)

My daughter saying Amen after bedtime prayers.

The quiet whispers I have with Yeshua.

Riah's excitement in taking care of her brother.

Scrap booking. The digital, take my time, no mess kind.

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