April 18, 2012

It's a crazy life, but it's our life

It's been quite a while. 
Why the absence? Well, I'm not exactly sure. But two toddlers and sometimes their cousin. A jobless dad and mom. We've been pretty busy.
My son is huge. & He climbs everything. He's a picky eater sometimes. His sister talks a lot and is turning out to be a little Momma to her dolly's. 

I've got felt boards planned. More finger painting. Slumber party and photo shoot planned with a cousin. I want to make felt flowers for headbands. Somewhere in all of this... life mess... i need to look for a job. But at the end of the day I just don't have the energy. 
I'm stuck on the show Supernatural. I had to start from the beginning to see the whole story. I keep saying I have a favorite show but now this one IS the favorite LOL! 

I don't see myself as a hard worker. I'm too lazy for that. But I wish I was. I want so many things in life and I need to do something to get at those things but  just don't know what. I can't make up my mind on what to go to school for. I already went to school and I'm not using my degree or even able to pay the school loans. So why go back a second time? I just want results here and now. Good jobs and money to provide for my family. 
My poor hubby lost another job. We thought it was such a great place to work but obviously not. He was forced to lie about something he didn't do or get out. Just like that. So he's in a place where he thinks everything is his fault and doesn't know what to do. 

Oh yea and I sold my camera. It was getting outdated, dirty, and I wasn't using it much. After all the guns Mondo has sold to pay bills I figured the $250 my camera was worth was finally worth it. I can't believe it was $1000 when I got it thought, crazy! So now we're praying for a new camera. 

We're still waiting on Housing to go through our paperwork. I've called twice with no reply yet. That'll be a huge blessing when they call and tell us they have funds available to help us rent a house. 

This is too depressing. I'm not really sitting here sad as much as this sounds that way lol. My kids are so entertaining. Trevor is here this week and he has grown so much. Last night Emery learned to snort. We were playing around and he was snorting at me trying to get me to laugh. Let's just say it worked LOL. Riah talks and sings my ear off. My favorite is when she sings her phrases. "Mommy can I have milk" will not just be a question but a belted out song. 

I have this dream of opening a store. One corner will be a coffee shop. (Which by the way I taught myself how to make an amazing caramel late! yum yum). Anyhow - coffee shop with goodies. Cakes and cake balls. On a nice size wall will be a photographer section to show off local work and our own (mine, my cousins and aunts and moms. We all take photos!). Another spot to sell and sit around making things. Headbands and hats for example from This beauty I see. & Even more fun would be a small corner for Photography Portraits. Wouldn't it be fun to go into a coffee shop with a friend and spir of the moment have your photo taken. Like a photo booth type a thing. Not just that but us photographers could have a place to use if needed. Well there you have it. I hope it happens some day. I'm in no way business minded but with the right help I know it could happen. 

I think that's enough rambling for now. Hopefully I will be back in a day or two ;)

1 comment:

Collie said...

This is so you! I love it....things will come together!